Shipping Policy

1. Shipping Methods

    We offer the following shipping methods for international orders:

    Free Shipping / Standard Shipping - UPS: Estimated delivery within 10-22 business days for international orders.

    Other delivery providers can be used with a similar delivery time of 10-22 business days for international orders.

    2. Processing and Cancellation Time

      Orders are typically processed and shipped within 2-6 business days after payment confirmation. Please note that orders placed on weekends or holidays will be processed on the next business day.

      Please note that once your order is processed for shipping with a tracking number, we are unable to cancel your order.

      You can cancel the order within 6 hours after the order was placed by contacting us via email address:

      3. Shipping Costs

        Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of the package, destination, and selected shipping method. The shipping cost will be displayed at checkout before the final payment.

        If your zip code is in a Rural rate zone an additional $45 will be applied at checkout. These are fees applied by the carrier for remote areas.

        Here is the link to the UPS remote area list for 2024.

        4. Order Tracking

          Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information. You can track your package using the tracking number provided, on our website under the Track Your Order tab or on the carrier's website.

          5. International Shipping

            For international orders, please note that our products are invoiced without VAT and may be subject to possible taxes, customs duties and other related costs which are imposed when the package reaches its destination. These additional costs are the responsibility of the Customer and are their sole responsibility. It is the customer's responsibility to check with local authorities.

            Shipping costs do not include customs and other additional costs that may be requested upon entry into certain countries; these costs remain the exclusive responsibility of the Customer. We are not responsible for delays due to customs clearance processes.

            Indeed, entry fees into the territory of each country are a specificity that we cannot anticipate or negotiate. When validating an order, the customer acknowledges and agrees to accept our Shipping Policy.

            We reserve the right to update our shipping policy at any time. Any changes to our shipping policy will be communicated on our website.

            We kindly ask our customers to read and take notes before making a purchase. We will automatically assume that the customer has accepted all the terms outlined above.


            If you have any questions or concerns regarding our shipping policy, please feel free to contact us at